
6 Things You Should Do For Your Yard This Fall in New Jersey

6 Things You Should Do For Your Yard This Fall in New Jersey

Fall is a beautiful time of year here in New Jersey. When the weather begins to change, it means it’s time to get your yard ready for cooler temperatures. Our landscaping professionals at Chris James Landscaping have several steps you should take to keep your yard now looking great during the cooler months and ready for the next growing season.

1. Take Care Of Your Plants

When the temperatures drop, your plants will wilt and die. When this happens it makes your yard look messy. Your annual plants will not come back next year so you should remove them. Perennial plants will come back each year so you will need to cut back the dead and wilted stems to keep them healthy.  Once you have removed all the dead and wilted stems and plants dispose of them to give your yard a tidy look.

2. Pick Up Leaves

When the summer changes to fall, leaves begin to change color and fall from the trees. Leaving the leaves on the ground can cause problems. They contain different bacteria and when left in mulch beds and will change the chemical makeup of your garden. Also, they can pile up and can kill your grass. You can prevent these issues by raking and picking up the leaves when they fall.

3. Aerate and Overseed

Everyone wants a beautiful green and healthy lawn. Aerating your yard puts small holes into your soil which allows water and fertilizer to seep in deeper so your grass gets the most nutrients to keep it healthy.

Once you have aerated your yard, we also recommend that you sprinkle with grass seed. This will allow the seeds to get in the ground while it is cool and establish for the spring, giving you the beautiful yard you want.  

4. What To Plant In The Fall

When the temperatures drop it’s always nice to curl up on the couch and enjoy a delicious bowl of soup. Planting a few hardy vegetables for those soups is always a good idea. There are a variety of vegetables you can plant during the cold months such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Spinach

Another great idea is to go ahead and plant bulbs of spring flowering plants in the fall while the ground is still warm. This way you will have flowers early in the spring season.

5. Take a Soil Sample

For you to have the healthiest yard and flower gardens, it’s a good idea to test your soil in the fall. This way you can correct the pH problems and nutrient deficiencies before the growing season starts in the spring. It is a simple test, all you need is a soil tester and a sample of your soil. Make sure to test different areas of your yard so you can correct problems in each area.

6. Winterize Your Yard Accessories

Your yard is not all about the plants. You should also take the time in the fall to prepare the rest of the items in your yard from the harsh winter conditions so they will remain in good condition for the spring.

If you have a pool or any ponds in your garden it is best to cover or drain them so the leaves do not clog the pumps and dirty the water. To help your lawn furniture last longer, it should be cleaned and stored for the winter months.

Call Us For All Your Landscaping Needs

If you are searching for a professional landscaper you can trust to take care of your yard, give us a call at Chris James Landscaping. We will be happy to take care of all your fall landscaping chores or any other landscaping need you may have. Call today and we will be glad to help you make sure your landscape is perfect.