Are you ready to put some grass seed down and want to know what the best is for NJ? In New Jersey, cool-season grass types will be most effective because of the usual cold weather. Finding the right kind of grass for your area is important because warm-season grass will become dormant over the winter while cool-season grass will remain green in the winter.
Here is some information on the best areas for cool and warm grass types so you can make the best choice for your lawn. Since those who live in New Jersey need only cool-season or transition grasses, I will aim to give mainly information that is pertinent to this area.
Cool and Warm Season Grass Types
Cool-season grasses grow best in spring and in in the upper two-thirds of the United States.
This area includes:
- New England
- The Upper Midwest
- High Plains
- Northern California
- Pacific Northwest.
Warm-season grasses grow best in summer and make up most of the southern half of the United States.
What is the Transition Zone?
The “transition zone” is where cool-season and warm-season grasses overlap. Cool-season grasses tend to grow well in the transition zone because of adaptation to cold winters. Bermudagrass, centipedegrass, and zoysiagrass are warm-season grasses that can grow in the transition zone. However, they usually go dormant during winter months in these areas.
The “transition zone” makes up about the bottom half of New Jersey. This should be considered when you are choosing the grass-type that will work best for your lawn. There are several types of cool-season grasses that will do well in New Jersey, but each has pros and cons. Your lawn could have different characteristics that you should factor in as well, including foot traffic and the level of maintenance you’re expecting to do.
Here are the grasses that grow best in New Jersey:
Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky bluegrass flourishes in the northeast and has a nice dark green color. It is durable through northern winters and is one of the few cool-season non-bunching kinds of grass. Kentucky bluegrass can also handle hot temperatures in summer more effectively than other cool-season grasses.
If your lawn gets a good amount of sun and has heavy foot traffic, this is a good choice for you. However, it does not work well in a coastal area and you will need to mow more frequently. If you’re planning on seeding with Kentucky bluegrass, it is best to do this in early spring or early to mid-fall.
If you have less sun and more shade, fescue grass is most appropriate. Creeping red fescue can handle drought, but may not survive heavy foot traffic. Tall fescue endures foot traffic better. Overall, fescues are easiest to maintain in a north-eastern climate. Fall is the best time to plant fescues in New Jersey.
Perennial Ryegrasses
Perennial ryegrass is a turf-type grass that can handle cold weather and heavy foot traffic very well. If you don’t have much shade and don’t expect to water or fertilize, it is a great choice. Spring or fall are the best times to plant, but early fall is ideal.
Meyer-Zoysia Grasses
For those who live in central or southern New Jersey, Meyer-zoysia grass is best. Meyer-zoysia is typically a warm-season grass, but is also used in the “transition zone”. If you expect no watering or irrigation and heavy foot traffic, Meyer-zoysia grass will be a great choice.
It can also handle heat and drought during the summer and requires less frequent mowing. The best time to plant is in the spring.
Call Us Today to Plant Your Grass in New Jersey
We hope this list of the best grass seed for NJ helps you choose which to plant! The team here at Chris James can come out and plant these grasses for you. We care about your lawn and want to see it be healthy and vibrant. Call us now so we can help you in Bergen County, NJ, communities. We can also answer any questions you may have about brands of seed or when you can plant.