
5 Winter Lawn Care Tips

5 Winter Lawn Care Tips

Are you struggling on keeping your grass alive during the winter? Perhaps you’re new to the environment and need some guidance. Or maybe you’ve never learned proper lawn care for the cold winter months. Whatever the issue may be, the team at Chris James Landscaping in Ridgewood, NJ can help! Here are some tips on how to take care of your lawn during the colder months of winter! 

  1. Supplying Nitrogen To Your Lawn

Many people don’t even think about this. When you supply nitrogen to your lawn in preparation for the cold months. You are making sure that the nitrogen supply will last you through to Spring. The nitrogen helps encourage the production of chlorophyll and helps keep your grass and leaves green through to the Springtime. You will want to apply the nitrogen during the early winter months before the ground freezes. 

  1. Cut Your Grass Shorter 

For those that don’t know, the average height for grass during winter should be between 2 and 2.5 inches. This is to make sure that your lawn can resist disease from being too long. As well as not being too short to be affected by the winter months. It also helps to increase air movement which helps keep away excess moisture. 

  1. Aerating Your Lawn

The best time to aerate your lawn for winter would be during spring and fall, just before the first frost. When you aerate and fertilize before the first frost you’re providing it a chance to get deep in the ground. This will then help protect the roots during the harsh winter freeze. It is very beneficial for soils that are highly compacted, giving it a chance to breathe and better absorb water. Also preventing any puddling and freezing on your lawn during the winter. 

  1. Clean Off Your Lawn 

Prior to your first frost you’ll want to make sure there are no loose leaves or twigs on your lawn. This will create moisture and block sunlight on your lawn resulting in snow mold and fungus growth. You’ll want to either rake or blow any excess leaves and twigs off your lawn before the first frost hits. 

  1. Water Your Lawn

Most people don’t think they need to water their lawn during the winter at all. However, since the grass grows at a much slower rate during the winter, your watering schedule can be cut back. You should only water your lawn every 2-3 weeks. Wait until midday to water so the temperature is a little higher. This gives your lawn enough time to soak up the water before nighttime. Only water your lawn enough to provide moisture to the roots to counteract the drying effects of winter. 

Contact Us Today For All Your Lawn Care Needs! 

If you are tired of losing your green lawn over the winter months. Then call Chris James Landscaping of Ridgewood, NJ today for all your lawn care needs! There is no need to sacrifice your lawn simply because of the changing season. Don’t stress yourself and let the professionals handle it. Our team is highly-qualified and delivers the best possible landscaping services provided!