Roses and carnations are old and tired perennial choices for Valentine’s Day bouquets. If you’re looking for something a bit different and a little more interesting to include in the bouquet to commemorate this annual day that celebrates love and commitment, consider including one of these flowers that are native to the state of New Jersey. They don’t call it the Garden State for nothing!
Late Purple Aster
These beautiful purple flowers bring a pop of brightness to any Valentine’s Day bouquet. Their petals are similar to those of daisies, however they grow with several flowers laying perfectly on a vertical branch with bright green leaves strewn throughout. The contrast of the purple and green provides a colorful pattern that anyone would enjoy receiving as a Valentine’s Day bouquet.
Tickseed Sunflower
This vibrant yellow variety of sunflower grows wild in the fields of New Jersey. They bloom with both ray and disk flowers to make an interesting combination. A loose collection of them tied with a coordinating bow will make any woman smile on Valentine’s Day.
Crimson Beebalm
The crimson color of this interesting New Jersey flower makes it perfect for a Valentine’s Day bouquet. Its shape is a bit unconventional making it ideal for those with a bit more of a quirky taste. Rather than having soft and rounded petals, this flower boasts long finger-like petals that dance in a breeze.
Purple Flowering Raspberry/Thimbleberry
This beautiful bell-shaped member of the rose family has a pinkish-purple hue. A benefit to this flower is that even though it is a member of the rose family, it has no thorns. This feature is especially helpful when it is included in a Valentine’s Day bouquet. Your honey will love not being stuck on a thick, nasty thorn. If you really want to make an impression on Valentine’s Day, forgo the bouquet, and buy a shrub of thimbleberry instead. It grows quickly and tops-out at about 5 feet tall, so it’s a great addition to any New Jersey yard.
Tawny Daylily
This orange wildflower is technically native to Asia, however it has become naturalized in New Jersey. Although some people may find this flower to be weedy and intrusive, they are actually beauteous, beautiful and fragrant. They feature long anthers that give this flower its unique look that will emphasize to any recipient that they are one of a kind.
Leopard Lily
This member of the lily family is extraordinary. Although each flower only boasts a few petals, an overabundance of them are not necessary. The striking orange color is accentuated by dark crimson dots that give the beautiful flower the look it is named for.
White Milkweed
This interesting flower can be found in New Jersey as well as other areas in the eastern portion of the United States. The tiny blossoms of this flower give it the appearance of a snowball, so it is a great accompaniment to more brightly colored flowers in a Valentine’s Day bouquet, as it will not overshadow any other flower in a grouping.
Great White Trillium
This flower looks delicate at first glance, but it is truly quite a sturdy bloomer. Its large flowers and trumpet-shaped blossoms make it showy and perfect for a Valentine’s bouquet for that special someone.
When most people think about magnolias, they probably think of Louisiana and Mississippi, and with good reason. But, New Jersey boasts magnolias as well. The delicate yet strong petals open beautifully. Plus, the scent of magnolias is pleasing and reminiscent of fresh fruit. These flowers simply ooze romance. If you want you want your Valentine to melt like butter, present her with a bouquet of magnolias and she’ll be yours forever.
It is hard to find a prettier flower in New Jersey than the winter pansy. These flowers provide a bright pop of color that is a fantastic contrast to the dreariness of an overcast New Jersey February. Anyone who receives winter pansies cannot help to do anything but smile.
Although typically thought of as a subtropical flower, colorful begonias are another flower that help to chase away the New Jersey winter doldrums. There is so much diversity in the begonia family; it is easy to find the size and color to suit anyone’s preference on Valentine’s Day.
New Jersey offers a wide variety of homegrown flowers that are all well suited for giving as a Valentine’s bouquet or even for planting as a long-lasting piece of shrubbery for the yard. So, if you’re tired of giving roses, think outside the box and go with some of the fabulous flora New Jersey has to offer instead. It is a sure way to impress your favorite Jersey girl on Valentine’s Day and other special occasions.
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