
Seven Fall Clean Up Tips for Your New Jersey Lawn

Seven Fall Clean Up Tips for Your New Jersey Lawn

After the heat of the summer, most people in New Jersey will want to take a break from their lawn care routine until Spring. However, if you take the effort to give a healthy start to your lawn this season, you can reap the benefits next Spring. Here are seven Fall clean up tips for your landscape that are both easy and enjoyable!

1. Fertilize – To replenish and maintain your plants’ health, you must fertilize your lawn soil and add nutrients to it. This must be done as early in the season as possible, because plants only absorb nutrients up to a certain period (until around October in NJ) during the Fall.

2. Hydrate – Do not be in a hurry to put away your hoses and sprinklers. Your plants need hydration till early Fall. To reduce plant diseases and loss of water due to evaporation, you must remember to water your lawn every morning. Make sure you provide extra water to potted plants and flower beds as they tend to be more thirsty than other varieties.

3. Aerate – If you notice water puddles, matted grass, thinning soil, or almost no new growth in plants, you must consider aerating your soil. This can help in providing oxygen to the soil and aid in the circulation of nutrients.

4. Reseed – Well before winter, you are advised to level your lawn soil and loosen it with a rake. Then, you should plant seeds evenly throughout your landscape. Reseeding will help the turf roots in setting deep before the end of the season, ensuring beautiful blooms in Spring.

5. Replant – Now is the best time to divide your plants and root ball. To make the most out of your perennials, remember to cut down your plants before replanting them. Tulips and daffodils are recommended for New Jersey lawns, so remember to plant the bulbs just after the first frost. This will make sure that your bulbs stay cool all through the season and are ready to bloom.

6. Rake your leaves – To prevent your lawn from suffocating in heavy foliage, it is advisable to pick up fallen leaves and clear your lawn. This will save you time during Spring and prevent unwanted weed growth, as well.

7. Mow – Finally, mow your lawn for one final time so that you can rest your equipment until the next season.

To get the best services for all your Fall clean up needs, remember to consult an expert landscape provider in NJ who can help you keep your landscape beautiful and Spring-ready!

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