
Best Summer Flowers For Your Commercial Property

Best Summer Flowers For Your Commercial Property

The Best Summer Flowers for Commercial Property

If owning your own business has always been your dream, you know that there are many different things you need to do to be successful. One of these successes is making sure your commercial property has the proper eye and curb appeal to bring in new customers, to make a nice break area for your employees, and to give your company an overall beautiful peaceful feel. 

One thing to keep in mind is that this does not have to be an overwhelming or time consuming process. With the right planning and design you can have a beautiful landscaped commercial property that is appealing to everyone. 


The Astilbe plant is pest free, requires no deadheading and looks beautiful all year round. This perennial adds beautiful color and texture and is very resilient and lasts many years.

 This plant typically blooms mid-spring and late in the summer, but they are also pretty after the bloom. They do need to be cut back once in either the fall or spring. The Astilbe can take full sun, but tends to do a bit better with some shade. 

Russian Sage

This beautiful plant has a soft purple color that will bloom into a nice blue flower in late summer. They do very well during winter and will require pruning every spring to allow the new growth. This beautiful plant also tends to spread, so keep that in mind when you are deciding if and where you would like to plant it. 


Geraniums tend to bloom all summer and will intertwine with your other plants and just tend to be stunning. They also serve as a nice ground cover with very little maintenance.

Bleeding Heart Flowers

These plants flower over and over and have a beautiful fern like leaf and are very low maintenance. Bleeding hearts will bloom in spring and sometimes will continue to bloom throughout the summer, however extremely hot temperatures put a little strain on these flowers. Bleeding hearts tend to do better with some shade and they will need to be watered.  


Daylily is a very popular flower in the New Jersey area and while they only open for one day, if you plant several of them they will bloom in your flower beds for weeks. 

These flowers tend to fill out a garden very fast and are great to divide every few years so that you can plant them in other areas of your commercial property.


Columbine is native to New Jersey and its beautiful colors really brighten up any commercial property. Columbine is very resilient during dry times and is easy to move to different areas on your property. It is interesting to note that hummingbirds help spread Columbine.

Above is just a list of some of the best summer flowers to plant in your commercial property to give it beautiful eye appeal, as well as not requiring a lot of work and maintenance on your part as the property owner. This is not a comprehensive list by no means, but is a place to start. Remember you will need to create your design and decide which flowers will be best for the ambiance you are wanting to create in your flower beds. Keep in mind that you want as little maintenance as possible as you are planning your flowers.

Contact Us Anytime

So as you are planning your flowers for your commercial property, please give us a call at Chris James Landscape for all of your commercial property needs. We will be happy to help you design your beautiful summer flower beds, as well as help with the maintenance to save you time and money.