Are you ready to start planting your spring flower garden? There are so many beautiful flowers that you can pick from when it comes to designing your flower garden. Check the post out below to learn more about beautiful spring flowers.
Attracting Butterflies With Bushes
Do you enjoy seeing swallowtails, gossamer-wing, brushfoot butterflies fluttering around your yard? These are some of the most common butterflies seen in New Jersey lawns. Creating a welcoming environment for butterflies is an easy thing to do. These insects like bees are crucial to pollination.
There are loads of beautiful perennials you can plant that return year after year. These flowers and bushes provide ideal habitats for metamorphosis. The delicious nectar has the power to draw pollinators from all over the state.
Butterfly Bush
The butterfly bush is also known as Buddleia is a popular attractor. This bush is commonly seen throughout New Jersey and are very invasive in some areas. They need trimming at the end of the season and please be cautious the seeds spread easily. This bush will take over your entire garden.
Delphinium also known as larkspur produces irresistible blooms. These decorative perennials, though poisonous to humans and animals, butterflies love them. Some varieties can grow very high.
The lupine plant is part of the legume family. They produce pea-like seeds. They grow best in cooler areas in full sun. Lupines are deeply rooted and do not spread easily. Lupines are also toxic.
Violets are a favorite of butterflies. It is not the flower nectar they are after but in search of a protective home. Caterpillars use violets to form cocoons. These long flowers and leaves create the perfect place for metamorphosis.
Salvia is a perennial also known as Meadow Sage. Draws butterflies and other pollinators with its showcase of floral delight. These thrive in full sun and are deer resistant.
Hibiscus plants produce beautiful tropical-like flowers that attract any pollinator. These beautiful flowers look like butterflies themselves. They need lots of water and good soil to thrive. They enjoy full sun and can grow up to 20 feet tall.
Anemones produce an array of colorful flowers. They are usually what one pictures when discussing wildflowers. They can sweep over a hillside and cover an entire meadow. They love full sun and their cup-like flowers make it easy for butterflies to collect nectar.
Basket-of-gold is another perennial plant that one could use around their garden. This plant is often used to frame in areas around walkways and pavement. These gold-looking flowers add beautiful pops of color to any garden. They are easily grown and grow up to 3 feet tall.
Asclepias also called butterfly weed or milkweed. These easy-to-care-for perennials prefer full sun and sandy soils. The sweet nectar attracts butterflies, especially the Monarch Butterfly. Butterflies like to use this plant to lay their eggs.
Most of these perennial plants are easy to keep up with and enjoy full sun. To get the most out of the blooming season it is best to remove spent flowers so that they can bloom again before the season is over.
Contact Us Today
If you would like more information about which bushes and flowers attract your favorite butterflies please contact us! Let the 40 years of experience at Chris Jame Landscaping help you create the yard of your dreams.