Landscaping your yard certainly makes it beautiful and also brings nature a little bit closer to your city home. When you think of a garden, you plan to have all your favorite trees in it. However, do you know if the soil in your garden and the climate in your region are suitable for growing the kinds of trees you like?
Will you still go ahead and plant them? If you ask the landscaping experts in New Jersey, they would say no. Here is why it is important to plan what to plant in your backyard or garden.
Why You Should Plan
Planning is essential for gardening, especially when you want to invest a huge amount of money in landscaping. Deciding on the kind of trees to plant is essential to make sure that your investment does not go to waste. What if the plants you want in your garden cannot survive in it? You may want an exotic plant to adorn your landscaped garden, but unless the soil and the climate are suitable for that particular plant you choose, it is a bad idea. If you have no idea about what kind of plants to choose for your garden, let an experienced New Jersey landscaper help you with it.
What to Consider Before Planting Trees in the Garden
Randomly selecting trees for your garden is a bad idea, and it almost never works if you get the planting scheme in your garden wrong. Random planting is a mistake that wastes resources, effort, and money. To avoid this, here is what you should consider before selecting plants for your garden.
- The suitability of the climate for the plant or tree you wish to have in your garden.
- The amount of water and sunlight the trees will need to grow, and if your garden gets the right amount of sunlight for them. Figure out the sunny areas and shaded areas in your garden to know if you should opt for plants that thrive in sunlight or those that can grow even without it
- Figure out which trees are best for you, keeping in mind the area and size of your garden.
- Consider the time and money you will need to spend for cultivating and maintaining the landscaped garden.
Having a variety of garden plants can make your landscaped garden look very pretty, but dead plants and dry, patchy areas can give your landscaped space a very odd appearance. Keep that in mind and choose the kind of plants or trees you should have in your New Jersey Garden.
Planting Trees In your Garden Offers Protection
Some homeowners may be led to believe that by not planting trees on their property, they are protecting it. This could not be farther from the truth. Many trees offer various protective qualities that include protection from exposure to destructive elements like the sun, wind, rain, and seasonal weather.
Sun Exposure
Growing food in your garden might be challenging if you live in a hot climate with lots of heat and little rain or colder temperatures. Try planting trees near lettuce and broccoli to naturally shade and regulate the temperature of your garden and its produce.
Wind Impact
While some plants are fragile, others are far more resilient against the elements and the potential damage that can be done when exposed. If positioned correctly, small trees can help you to strategically and effectively block the wind in your garden by making it flow around it.
Severe Weather
Hail and hard rain is no friend to a garden. A strong storm front can quickly destroy your efforts and your garden. However, carefully chosen and deliberately placed small trees can reduce the effects of inclement weather and safeguard your hard work and garden. You can also use the plants growing there to help direct the water from rainfall into the areas of your garden (or outside of it) where you wish it to go.
Rain Runoff
Your garden will benefit from having a few small trees that can help absorb rainfall, preventing flooding and excessive moisture buildup. During severe weather, the leaves can collect, halt, and reduce the flow of rainwater. This can benefit your garden as it will help prevent soil erosion.
The Beauty and Benefits of Planting Trees
Planting trees offers homeowners and garden lovers all types of benefits. From attracting wildlife to enhancing the surrounding area, trees are a necessary and appreciated part of every beautiful and thriving landscape.
Majestic And Pleasing to the Eye
In any garden, trees are a visually pleasing addition that provides enjoyment throughout every season. No matter what the season brings, your garden can look beautiful all year round. Additionally, selecting trees that are appropriate and native to your area will allow you to enjoy them with little to no care and have them meet your garden’s needs more efficiently.
Helps Improve Air Quality
Urban areas can become overheated due to trapped gasses and air pollution. Trees help mitigate this problem by absorbing carbon dioxide and reducing air pollution. By planting trees in or around your garden, you can improve the air quality and effectively alter the climate. Every little change helps, and you can help by doing your part.
Attractive To Pollinators
Pollinating your garden requires bees. You can help lure in different pollinators, such as bees, by planting specific kinds of trees. Increasing the number of bee-friendly trees you plant can benefit your garden and the environment all at once.
Provides Shade and Protection
Trees are excellent for providing relief from the rays of the sun. This is wonderful for those days when you find yourself out and about in your garden or even when your plants could use a little extra protection and shade.
Enhances The Surrounding Area and Structures
Aside from ecological issues, carefully planning and placing a tree may make a big difference regarding unattractive sections of your yard or garden, such as walls, fences, and other structures. They not only help conceal them but also benefit the environment.
Contact Us
Because every tree is different and requires specialized maintenance and care, we are pleased to provide various services to keep your trees looking great and growing healthy all year round. At Chris James Landscaping Inc., we have helped our customers choose and care for the perfect tree additions for their homes and gardens. With over 40 years of industry knowledge and care, we are New Jersey’s go-to source for keeping everything green. Contact us today for more information.