
Getting Your Lawn Ready For Fall in Bergen County

Getting Your Lawn Ready For Fall in Bergen County

With summer coming to a close, most people start moving indoors, neglecting their yards and proper lawn care. However, one of the best ways to prepare for a beautiful looking yard the next spring and summer is by prepping it in the fall.

If you live in or around Bergen County, let the team at Chris James Landscaping prep your yard for a fuller, more lush appearance! Below are just some of the ways we encourage our customers to get their lawns ready for the fall season.

Take Time to Fertilize

After the damage of a hot and dry summer, your lawn needs time to recover along with proper nourishment. Autumn provides a great opportunity to fertilize and let the rebuilding process begin. Two feedings is all that is required, with the second one being applied about 6-8 weeks after the first. 

This time of year also offers a great time to apply weed killer. Use a brand that will rid your lawn of those pesky weeds that seem to continuously pop up, especially dandelion and clover.

Slow Down on Watering

As temperatures cool, rain tends to evaporate less. This means that your yard and garden will not need as much water as you may have been providing during the summer and warmer months. Simply keep track of the rain and only water when rainfall amounts are less than one inch per week.

Care for Damaged Spots

During the warmer months, we tend to have a lot of furniture and equipment in our yards. Maybe a kiddie pool or slip-n-slide took up a good portion of your backyard for easy and fun entertainment. And, while these are nice to have, they can cause damage to the grass underneath them. 

Fortunately, as autumn approaches, this is a great opportunity to put down products that will help grass grow or thicken areas that may have thinned out. After applying the product, be sure to keep the soil moist to ensure the seedlings catch.

Do a Final Mow

While you can continue to have your yard mowed up until it stops growing in early winter, with fall and winter approaching, you can actually have it cut shorter than you did in the summer months. Doing this keeps it healthier through these colder seasons and can keep your yard from developing a moldy fungus.

Care for Your Furniture and Equipment

With things slowing down outdoors, now is the time to care for your outdoor furniture and equipment. Take the time to clean them thoroughly and allow for proper drying time. Then, store them out of the elements or put covers on them to not only protect, but to provide longevity.

Once Fall Arrives

Once fall is in full swing, Chris James Landscaping has a fall package that will have your yard all set to hibernate during the winter months. This includes:

  • Removing all of the leaves from the yard through leaf blowing or raking.
  • Cleanup of the lawn, garden, hardscape, and woodline buffer
  • Placing leaves on the street if there is a town leaf pickup program, or providing a Fall Curbside Vacuum service
  • Doing a final mow, if necessary.

Call to Have Your Lawn Serviced Today!

Just because we spend less time outdoors as fall approaches does not mean that our yards deserve any less attention. Located in Bergen County and serving all of Allendale, New Jersey Chris James Landscaping knows how to care for your lawn and has services to match your needs. Having the work put in now could make all of the difference in the appearance of your yard next spring and summer! So call now and schedule your appointment today!